Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Oh SO grateful

So this is going to be one of those post that get mushy gushy but I just really wanted to express how grateful I am for the wonderful people I have in my life. Especially those who have made these last few months so special to me.

First my wonderful sweet husband. This past few months has definitely been busy but he has been there by my side all the way. Stewart has started working again and he works 13 hour and 20 minute shifts, so I literally do not see him for three whole days. I'm new at this mom stuff so being alone for three days can be a little scary. I don't know how single mamas do it because sometimes you just need a break. Last week Brylee was not feeling well, literally if she was not eating or sleeping she was screaming for almost three days straight. It broke my heart to see her that way and of course it was on the days Stewart worked so he would get up at 4:15am and then get home around 8pm... After two days of listening to my sweet baby crying non stop Stewart came home and I was in tears, just exhausted, unable to accomplish anything, sick to my stomach, and feeling incapable of being a good mama because I couldn't calm my sad baby. Usually on nights like this Stewart will eat and go right to bed, so that way if he is lucky he can get a few hours of sleep before having to get up for another 13 hour shift, but that night was different. When he got home he saw the tears in my eyes as I held onto our screaming baby, and one of the first things he said was lets give her a blessing. He took her from me and placed his hands on her head and gave her a sweet blessing. He took care of her the rest of the night as she cried for a few more hours before finally going to sleep. Such a simple thing but it meant the world to me. It meant so much to me that my husband was willing to put aside what he needed for what I needed. But that is just the type of man he is, always willing to serve... He is such a good example to me of what unconditional love is. He is such a good daddy and I am so lucky to have him by my side. I love to watch him with Brylee and the way her face lights up after a whole day of not seeing him. I don't know how I would have gotten through this past month and a half without him and I will forever be grateful for the love and happiness he brings to my life. He makes me feel so special.

I'm grateful for my sweet sweet baby. I thought I knew what love was and then I met her. She is the best thing ever. It's so amazing that my heavenly father trust me with this sweet lil life. I am so grateful. Being a mom is different than anything you can explain to anyone, I think it's one of those things that is impossible to understand until you go through it. You will never understand the type of love and adoration until you are a parent yourself. I have such a new respect for moms and all that they do. Brylee is such a good baby. She is so smart. From the day she was born she was looking around, holding her head up. She can scoot on her tummy if you give her a lil help she can go across a whole blanket. She is amazing. Her smile will melt your heart. I'm so so in love and so so grateful for my little angel. Before she was born we struggled to know when we should have a baby, and after praying about it for awhile we decided that heavenly father would know when the right time would be for us. How true that is. She came at the perfect time for us, and I am so grateful that we were able to put our trust in heavenly father so he could ultimately bless our family with our wonderful baby.

I'm grateful for my parents. I could not even create a list with every single thing they have done for our family, there would just be too many things to list. They do things without us even asking them to and I don't think they will ever understand how grateful we are to them. These past few months have been tough because I haven't been working and they have walked in the door with arms full of groceries. They never boast or say we need to pay them back, they just do it out of love. They are so selfless and loving and it means the world to us. I will forever be grateful to heavenly father for giving me parents who care about me and my family so much. They have taught me a lot about service and caring for those you love. I love them so much.

We definitely appreciate all our friends and families love and support. We have had so many wonderful visitors these past two months. Everyone has been so sweet! I have never felt so overwhelmed with gratitude for the wonderful people we have in our lives. I'm grateful for the tender mercies of the lord, I have learned so much in this short period of time. We are so unbelievable blessed.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Oh Those Summer Days...

So it has been awhile since we updated the blog, so we figured we would give all our friends and family an update! 

First, baby girl is officially 30 weeks! 75% baked! Or as I like to say, negative 10 weeks old :) She is as adorable as ever, kicking and squirming around. There is nothing I love more then feeling her move. We had a 3D ultrasound last week and it was pretty much the coolest thing EVER! She was being a lil stinker so we didn't get any pictures, and have to go back next week but just seeing her lil face made me fall even more in love with her. I'm kind of excited we get to go back because technically that's just another time we get to see our lil babe. So we officially have had 4 ultrasounds now and EVERY single ultrasound she has her hands by her face! We think she must be obsessed with those suckers because she always has them all cuddled up by her mouth or chin. The only thing we really did get to see was her adorable cheeks, they are ready for some squeezing and kissing that's for sure. I'm counting down the days till we get to see her again, these months have seemed to fly, only two months left! Can you believe it?!

Stewart has been doing fabulous in the police academy. It definitely has not been an easy journey but I have enjoyed watching him grow and better himself. He only has two months left in the academy too. (I know baby and graduation a lil too close together for comfort) I'm so proud of him. I will brag about him because if you knew everything he does for me you would be amazed. He has been my strength through this pregnancy and has still managed to deal with everything he is going through as well. The long nights of writing million word essays and waking up at 3:30a will soon be worth it when he graduates. I cannot wait till that moment. 

Also, we are moving! One thing I will miss about our adorable lil apartment is seeing the Gilbert temple grow everyday. We live right down the street from it and so pulling out of the complex everyday if you look to your left you can see it. Talk about starting your day off right..We are moving from Gilbert to Queen Creek. It will be nice to be close to my parents when the baby comes and also nice to finally have a house. We got extremely lucky on the house we found. It's perfect for us. We love the area we live in now but Queen Creek just worked out so well for us that we didn't really have much of a choice. We are very excited though and can't wait to start this new adventure in our new home. :) 

So YES we will be moving, celebrating our year anniversary, graduating the Police Academy, and having a baby girl, all within the next two months! Wish us luck! We will need it! 

This may sound silly but I am proud of this brick. This sucker was hard to make! Basically Stewart's class got punished and had to carry a brick around with them for a couple weeks. Every person's brick needed to have their first intial, last name, and class # and then name again on the side in 1 inch black block lettering perfectly centered to the point where if you measured it on any of the sides they would all be equal.... And yes at the police academy they do bust out rulers for this stuff and measure it... So block lettering means buying stencils. Black lettering means sharpies. Sharpies means you cant mess up or you will be forced to use sand paper to sand your mistake off the brick. I took on this task myself because my husband is not known for having the best hand writing or crafting skills, not only that but I try to help him out as much as possible, and there is few task I can actually help with besides shining his shoes. After a long night working on the brick without any mistakes, I showed my husband, at that time he decided to informed me that his class number was "464" not "434" like I had written on his brick... I'm not gonna lie, I cried, I'm pregnant and had worked SO hard to make this dumb brick perfect... At that time we busted out the sand paper and redid all the numbers.. It all ended well though because my husband was one of two people who didn't get in trouble for how bad their brick looked. His was used as the example. I was pretty proud of myself, let's just say its not easy to make a perfect brick.

Creepy lil baby we found at the baby store. I guess it weighs as much as really baby so you can test the car seats? Looks like this could be Stewart's child if you ask me haha 

Practicing... :)

The one place that keeps us going. We love the temple :)

25 weeks! 

Our lil munchkins! Being a sunbeams teacher is a lot of fun.

Everyone deserves a good love note. When times get hard and the going gets tough my hubs never fails to make me feel like a million bucks. We have a dry erase marker in our bathroom specifically for notes like this. Yes ladies, these guys are out there and I'm so lucky to have mine.

One of two pics we got at last weeks ultrasound. Not 3D but you can still see her lil face. Check out those lil lips... sighhh... I'm in love with this lil human. She is perfect.

Love Always,
{The Ferrins}

Saturday, April 14, 2012

{Our Baby Story}


In January we found out we were having a baby! Due September 25th! So we are about 17 weeks along and should know the sex of the baby in about a week and a half! Our own bouncing sweet precious baby. We are excited, nervous, ecstatic, nervous, so blessed, and so nervous. Everyone always dreams of the day they will have their own sweet baby but now that the day is fastly approaching, the reality of it all is quickly settling in. As many of you know Stewart's schedule has been very crazy this year. He gets the pleasure of working the 9pm-7am night shifts as a 911 dispatcher and on a Saturday night in January I was home alone while he was at work. I decided to take a pregnancy test. I didn't expect it to come back with those two lil pink lines that say your pregnant and when it did I may have freaked out just a little bit. We hadn't necessary planned to have a baby right away but we also weren't completely oppose to it either. We knew that heavenly father knew when we would be ready to be parents. Seeing those lil pink lines made me question that for a few minutes though. Was I ready to be a mom? I was just barely mastering the skill of being a good wife, there is no way I was capable of being responsible for another human being... But those scary thoughts quickly went away when I told my sweet husband about our lil baby. Since he was at work when I found all this out I had to keep this secret all night long. Talk about no sleep! I didn't want to just blurt it out in a text, and he cant talk on the phone, so I was forced to wait till morning. Longest night of my life. Since I couldn't sleep I spent the night coming up with a clever way to break the news to him. I decided to make a little video. It said first comes love and had pictures of us while we had dated, then comes marriage, and pics of our wedding day, and after that it said and then comes the baby and it had a picture of the positive pregnancy test. So at 7:30 the next morning when my hubby came home (looking like a zombie, cause he had no sleep). I told him I had a surprise for him. I think at first he thought I was semi-crazy, who makes a random video for their spouse for no reason with a bunch of pics he'd seen a million times before?! I do! I told him he wasn't aloud to say anything until the video was over because he needed to watch the WHOLE thing. Being a good sport he sat down and watched the video. When it got to the part that said and then comes marriage, it all clicked. He immediately said "NO WAY! I know what this is, I don't need to see the rest." (side note: You see, I'm not a very good at keeping exciting secrets, and when this video was playing I was crying like a baby the whole time, probably hormones and impatient excitement to see his reaction but I think my face probably gave it away too.) So when he realized exactly what the video was about my tears turned quickly into sobs. When he finally looked at me he had tears in his eyes too and gave me a big hug. Ah finally someone to share my special secret with. :) 

One of the best feelings in the world, okay I take that back, TWO of the best feelings in the world are hearing that baby's heart beat for the first time and seeing it wiggle round in an ultrasound for the first time. It never gets old! I could watch it move and listen to that quick thump thump all day long. So baby is completely healthy so far. The first trimester was a whirl wind of sickness.. I don't think I felt good for more then a few hours for at least two months. It was never one thing. It was always a mix of nausea, back/neck pain, and tummy aches.. Not fun at all. Now that we are in the second trimester we have moved on to headaches and body aches. Oh and killer painful charlie horses in the middle of the night! But much better then the first trimester because if I'm lucky sometimes I have really good days where I feel great! The funniest part of this whole pregnancy is the fact that Stewart experiences a lot of pregnancy symptoms too. He has cravings, his body will ache, and on occasion he gets a lil moody, which is completely unlike him at all. I blame the mixture of hormones floating around and the terrible night shift he works that messes him up so much. But I always get a good laugh when he tell me something he is experiencing and he blames it on the fact we're pregnant... as if he is carrying this lil baby too or something. Hahaha! It doesn't bother me too much though because he helps take care of me so much that I think giving him his lil cravings and things helps me feel like I'm not the only crazy one here. It's nice that he can sympathize with a little bit of this pregnancy madness... 


First doctor appointment! Excuse the graphic poster in the background. Haha!


15 weeks! :)

 Our lil peanut! You can see it's lil alien face!

Being pregnant is EXHAUSTING... :) 

 He likes to sit on the floor and I like the couch, this is how we compromise, yup thats my leg hahaha!

Paige's (my co-worker) depiction of what happens when a baby comes haha!


Sunday, January 1, 2012

A close to 2011

So Saturday, Dec 31, 2011 Bree and I took a 355 mile trip to visit her brother Ashton.

Now before I go into our day, let me warn you that I like sharing details and pictures of things that arent really the most important or exciting parts of storys, or in this case, our trip.... non the least, sit back and enjoy!

We had such a great time on our trip. We left around 10 am and headed towards Payson... the drive was nice and we made some pretty good time... of course we wanted to make it there safe, but it helps when there was light traffic and no highway patrol on the road.  We made a little pit stop at the Mcdonalds, bathroom break and then headed on to Show Low. We stopped at Walmart and bought some flowers, and some gloves to play in the snow.  We then proceded to Pinetop-Lakeside to visit Ashton. 

  While standing at his grave watching my wife place flowers at his headstone, I felt that he was right there. While I have never met him, that wonderful spirit I felt let me know what kind of guy he was and I long for the day that I get to grab him by the hand and pull him in for a big hug! Even though he isn't physically here with us, he still is making an impact on people, especially those that never knew him. I'm so grateful that my wife Bree wanted to make that trip!

So after a nice visit with Ashton, we drove around and saw Bree's great grand parents house, or at least where they used to live when they were alive.  Right across the street was the Pinetop-Lakeside Police Dept. Brees's dad used to work for the Police Dept there and as some of you know I like to make diecast police cars and so I had to take the opportunity to take some pictures.  I went inside, talked to a dispatcher who checked with the Sgt and then I was given the okay, to walk around to the back and snap some shots.... granted, not the coolest looking police cars, but I just had to post a pic....  We then went to Grumpy Jakes BBQ which is apparently the BEST BBQ is Pinetop-Lakeside.... and I have to agree!

The trip then consisted with a imprompute snow fight on the side of the US 60 a couple miles outside of Showlow..... we then enjoyed a nice ride on the way home.  We were really the only ones on the road which was nice to be able to drive at a nice pace and still have some sight seeing.  We happened to pass a Highway Patrol officer.  He drove past us in the opposite dirrection, and as soon as we passed, I saw him pull off to the side, flip a U-turn, activate his lights and start to come behind us.  Up and to this point in my life, I have NEVER had a ticket..... It was a 55 MPH zone, and I had to only of been doing 63 MPH which isnt that big of a deal..... SO...... here he comes, lights and sirens on and stops.... the guy behind us!  I still have my unbroken record! We had a quick stop in Globe.  I say quick becuase the restaurant we wanted to eat at was closed, I guess thats what happens when you try and eat on New Years Eve. We looked around for other places but some of them were so scary looking, we decided to just keep on going.  Of course, We drove right by the Globe Police Dept and I took some advantage of some pics there..... There is this really old Train out in front, so Bree and I took some pics with it.

We came back into town and ended up at her parents house to bring in the New Year. We had steak, corn, potatoes, candy, chips and dip, and apple cider.  We watched Paul Blart, Mall Cop and played a game called "Mexican Train"..... not sure if you know what it is, but is a matching game with dominos pieces.....

Now Bree and I have some great times and being married for the last 3 1/2 months have been so much fun!  This year has been great....!  Ive been sealed to the love of my life and I wouldnt want to be married to anyone else!  We both were blessed with job improvements, Bree got a promotion, and Im finally working for a Police Dept with has been so much fun and totally awesome.  Mitchell came home from his Mission, Bree and I finally got callings in the church, Bree is teaching the 3 year old sunbeams, and Im a ward missionary.... 
 2012 should be an awesome year.  So far it has been great!  Bree and I are at the close of a 4 day weekend together, we have been able to grow together, get to know eachother more, and love eachother more. We have had so much fun, trips, shopping, family, friends, heck we even moved our bed out in the family room and had a movie night! I can only assume that it will continue on this year....!  :)

What will 2012 bring?  I dont know, but whatever it is im really excited, especially since it will be right along side with my beautiful wife Bree! I love you sweetie!